About us

In 2020 I was undergoing intensive treatment for Stage 3 Breast Cancer. This was also during the early stages of the pandemic; being immunocompromised, I was often alone in isolation, away from my child, husband and friends to stay safe while withstanding treatment. Because of covid, I attended all of my appointments alone and wasn’t allowed visitors. I had no one to hold my hand or wipe away my tears during some of the hardest moments of my life. So, to combat some of the fear and loneliness, I carried crystals in my pockets to help support and comfort me as I navigated the overwhelming medical process alone. I spent time focusing on healing through meditation and positive intentions.

For comfort, I would also often light candles to help relieve my anxiety and to provide a sense of calmness. I realized that most of the candles made me feel nauseous; my cancer treatment had made me extremely sensitive to chemicals, and regular big box store candles gave me intense headaches and nausea.
After some research, I discovered that candles are commonly produced using an additive called paraffin wax - a petroleum-based substance used to increase scent throw. Industrial fragrance oils often include phthalates and parabens; this makes the scent in the room smell great but extremely toxic. After a year of research and testing using sustainable plant-based ingredients, the Light and Stone brand was born.